On this page, you can find presentations from previous IBCI conferences.

Year ID Author Title PDF
2025 2025-00 IBCI IBCI Conference Announcement 2025 Click Here
2024 2024-00 IBCI IBCI Conference Brochure 2024 Click Here
2024 2024-01 Sarah Neary Legislative Developments in Building Control Click Here
2024 2024-02 Jamie Goggins Construct Innovate Click Here
2024 2024-03 John Cummins Fire Officer Perspective: A Light Gauge Steel Case Study Click Here
2024 2024-04 Karl O'Reilly Assigned Certifier Perspective – Defects Click Here
2024 2024-05 Pat Nestor Building Control in Dublin City Click Here
2024 2024-06 Mairead Phelan NBCO/NMSO Update 2024 Click Here
2024 2024-07 Richard Butler Building Control Inspections Click Here
2024 2024-08 Verity Moorehouse Life Cycle Analysis - Embodied Carbon Click Here
2024 2024-09 Richard McCracken Northern Ireland Building Control Latest Developments Click Here
2024 2024-10 Eoin O'Dowd Proposed Amendments to the Building Control Acts 1990 - 2020 Click Here
2024 2024-11 Simon Dolphin Review of the Construction Products Regulation Click Here
2024 2024-12 Liam Harding Housing For All - Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) Click Here
2023 2023-00 IBCI IBCI Conference Brochure 2023 Click Here
2023 2023-01 Sarah Neary Legislative Developments in BC 2023 Click Here
2023 2023-02 Dr Daniel McCrum Construct Innovate - Irelands National Research Centre Click Here
2023 2023-03 Katarzyna Kazmierska NSAI Certification and Modern Methods of Construction Click Here
2023 2023-04 Éadaoin Ní Fhearghail Housing for All Plan - Focus on Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) Click Here
2023 2023-05 Doug Ritchie Assigned Certifiers Perspective 2023 Click Here
2023 2023-06 Colin Gallagher Building Control Officer Perspective 2023 Click Here
2023 2023-07 M Phelan National Building Control & Market Surveillance of Construction Products Office Update (NBCO/NMSO) Click Here
2023 2023-08 R Butler BC Inspections NBCO & MSO Click Here
2023 2023-09 Noel Cronin Fire Officers Perspective on MMC Click Here
2023 2023-10 Diarmuid Keaney Benefits of TGD E (2014) - Sound Click Here
2023 2023-11 Eoin O'Dowd Developments in Part B Fire Safety Click Here
2023 2023-12 Paul McDermott Part M - Changing Places Click Here
2022 2022-00 IBCI IBCI Conference Brochure 2022 Click Here
2022 2022-01 Sarah Neary Legislative Developments in Building Control Click Here
2022 2022-02 Mairéad Phelan NBC & MSO update 2022 Click Here
2022 2022-03 Eoin O’ Dowd Buidling Regulations Update- Part M & Part B Click Here
2022 2022-04 Conall Finn AC - Common Defects and Lessons Learned Click Here
2022 2022-05 Pat Gaynor BCO Perspective on Construction Product Regulations Click Here
2022 2022-05a Timothy Kelleher Regional Representative Role Click Here
2022 2022-06 Diane Marshall Fire Safety Implications in UK since 2017 Grenfell disaster Click Here
2022 2022-07 Diane Marshall Improving Competence - Building a Safer Future Click Here
2022 2022-09 Emmanuel Bourdin NZEB & Major Renovations - TGD L 2019 & TGD F 2019 Dwellings Click Here
2022 2022-10 Edel Murray EPB Regulations 2021 (SI 393 of 2021) Click Here
2022 2022-11 Simon McGuinness TGD C 2020 & TGD L, Acceptable Construction Details 2021 Click Here
2019 2019-00 IBCI IBCI Conference Brochure 2019 Click Here
2019 2019-01 Sarah Neary Building Control Legislative Developments Update 2019 Click Here
2019 2019-02 Mairead Phelan Promoting a Culture of Compliance with Building Regulations Click Here
2019 2019-03 Doug Ritchie An Assigned Certifier's Perspective Click Here
2019 2019-04 Michael Mansell Building Control Officers Perspective Click Here
2019 2019-05 John Wickham Bringing Back Homes - Manual for the reuse of existing buildings Click Here
2019 2019-06 Eamonn Smyth Building Regulations & Guidance issued! Click Here
2019 2019-07 Jonathan Jennings Electric Heating in new build Click Here
2019 2019-08 Colin Gallagher Part L Compliance - Building Control Role Click Here
2019 2019-09 Alan O'Neill Whiskey Distilling & Maturation Click Here
2018 2018-00 IBCI IBCI Conference Brochure 2018 Click Here
2018 2018-01 Sarah Neary Building Control Legislative Update Click Here
2018 2018-02 Mairead Phelan National Building Control Management Project Click Here
2018 2018-03 Kevin Cooke Compliance with Building Regulations Click Here
2018 2018-04 Helen Duffy BCAR from the Assigned Certifier perspective Click Here
2018 2018-05 Sean Armstrong Part L - NZEB and Major Renovations Click Here
2018 2018-06 Eamonn Smyth Fire Resistance Guidance Click Here
2018 2018-07 Jason Horrex Structural Fire Protection Click Here
2018 2018-08 Tom Meehan Fire Protection – Active Systems Click Here
2017 2017-00 IBCI IBCI Conference Brochure 2017 Click Here
2017 2017-01 Sarah Neary Building Control Legislative Developments Click Here
2017 2017-02 Mairead Phelan National Building Control Management Project Click Here
2017 2017-03 John Sweeney Modern Methods Of Construction Click Here
2017 2017-04 Chris Barry TGD Part B Fire Safety Volume 2 Dwelling Houses Click Here
2017 2017-05 Sean Armstrong Nearly Zero Energy Buildings Click Here
2017 2017-06 Niall Crosson Airtightness and Active Moisture Management Using Intelligent Membranes Click Here
2017 2017-07 Kevin Maguire Quality Control in Aggregates Concrtete and Cement Click Here
2016 2016-00 IBCI IBCI Conference Brochure 2016 Click Here
2016 2016-01 Martin Vaughan Quality Construction Through Better Regulation Click Here
2016 2016-02 Eoin O’ Dowd BCMS Supporting Building Control Compliance Click Here
2016 2016-03 Colin Gallagher Built Environment Inspectorate Click Here
2016 2016-04 Eamonn Smyth Building Regulations Update Click Here
2016 2016-05 Barrett Chapman 2015 Amendments - The Outs and Ins Click Here
2016 2016-06 Chris Dilworth Sound and the Building Regulations Click Here
2016 2016-07 Donal Gilroy Part L and Airtightness Click Here
2016 2016-08 Dermot Brannigan Fire Service response to emerging Building Control Issues Click Here
2015 2015-00 IBCI IBCI Conference Brochure 2015 Click Here
2015 2015-01 Bernadette McArdle Opening Presentation Click Here
2015 2015-02 Aidan O'Connor Building Control Reform Programme Click Here
2015 2015-03 John Wickham Construction Products Regulation Click Here
2015 2015-04 Mairead Phelan Building Control Management System Click Here
2015 2015-05 Brendan Mulligan Civil and Structural Engineers Perspective Click Here
2015 2015-06 Paul Kelly Architect's Perspective  
2015 2015-07 Seamus Coughlan Chief Fire Officers Perspective Click Here
2015 2015-08 Marc Devereux Building Control Officers Perspective Click Here
2015 2015-10 Damien McKay Defective Concrete Blocks Click Here
2015 2015-12 Gerry Sheridan Spray Foam Insulation Click Here
2015 2015-13 Tim O'Leary QualiBuild Program Click Here
2014 2014-00 IBCI IBCI Conference Brochure 2014 Click Here
2014 2014-01 Eamonn Smyth Building Regulations Update Click Here
2014 2014-02 Aidan O'Connor Building Control Reform Programme Click Here
2014 2014-03 Martin Vaughan SI No. 9 of 2014 – Validation and Issues Click Here
2014 2014-04 Mairead Phelan S.I 9 of 2014 Building Control Management System (BCMS) Development & Code of Practice for BCOs Click Here
2014 2014-05 Rhoda Kerins Building Control Management Systems Click Here
2014 2014-06 Kevin Sheridan A Building Surveyors perspective on Building Control Amendment Regulations (2014) Click Here
2014 2014-07 Paul Kelly The RIAI Perspective on BUILDING CONTROL Click Here
2014 2014-08 Maria Melia Building Control System Fire Officer Perspective Click Here
2014 2014-09 Bernadette McArdle Building Control Officers Perspective on BCMS Click Here
2014 2014-10 Barret Chapman Building Control (Amendment) Regulations 2014 – Some Legal Issues Click Here
2014 2014-11 Hubert Fitzpatrick Construction Industry Register Ireland Click Here
2014 2014-13 Conor Taaffe Building Regulations Part L Click Here
2013 2013-00 IBCI IBCI Conference Brochure 2013 Click Here
2013 2013-01 Aidan O'Connor The New Building Control Amendment Regulations 2013 and other Legislative & Policy Developments Click Here
2013 2013-02 Sarah Neary An overview of the EU Construction Products Regulation Click Here
2013 2013-03 David O'Connor CCMA perspective for Building Control Click Here
2013 2013-04 John O'Connor Ghost/Unfinished Estates – Issues for Building Control Click Here
2013 2013-05 Willie Purcel Building Control – Case Study Click Here
2013 2013-06 Bernadette McArdle The East Border Region Energy Efficiency & Micro-Generation Project Click Here
2013 2013-07 Will Bowen The design and construction of Flues, Fire safety and Carbon Monoxide issues Click Here
2013 2013-08 Tom Meehan Carbon Monoxide detection Click Here
2012 2012-00 IBCI IBCI Conference Brochure 2012 Click Here
2012 2012-01 Aidan O'Connor Developments in Building Control & Legislation Click Here
2012 2012-02 Chris Barry REVIEW OF TGD B Click Here
2012 2012-03 Jamie Goggins Sustainability and Embodied
Energy (and Carbon) in Buildings
Click Here
2012 2012-04 Brian Swan A sample-based approach to applying for a Disability Access Certificate Click Here
2012 2012-05 Michael Mohan Disability Access Certificates - Designer’s Perspective & Part M 2010 Click Here
2012 2012-06 Anne Goggin Siting, Design and Installation of OSWWTS: Limerick’s Experience Click Here
2012 2012-07 Rory McShane BS 9991:2011 Fire safety in the design, management and use of residential buildings Click Here
2012 2012-08 Neil Murphy Building for Everyone: A Universal Design
Click Here
2012 2012-09 Martin Davidson Fire Safety Engineering Techniques in Historic Buildings Click Here
2011 2011-00 IBCI IBCI Conference Brochure 2011 Click Here
2011 2011-01 Aidan O'Connor Developments in Building Control & Legislation Click Here
2011 2011-02 Stephanie Long Building Control and Radon Click Here
2011 2011-03 Eoin O'Herlihy BUILDING REGULATIONS (PART M AMENDMENT) Click Here
2011 2011-04a Martin Ryan DAC Reports Click Here
2011 2011-04b Martin Ryan Possible DAC Format Click Here
2011 2011-05 Paddy Mullen Disability Access Certificates Click Here
2011 2011-06 Jay Stuart Sustainable Development and Renewable Energy Click Here
2011 2011-07 Rory McShane Fire Safety Design of Residential Buildings - Current Practice and Future Trends Click Here
2011 2011-08 Neil Murphy Universal Design and Building For Everyone - A Universal Design approach Click Here
2011 2011-09 Brendan Mulligan The Role of the Engineer in Building Control,egistration and Certification Click Here
2010 2010-00 IBCI IBCI Conference Brochure 2010 Click Here
2010 2010-01 Cian O Lionain Developments in Building Control Legislation Click Here
2010 2010-02 Billy Moore On-site Wastewater Management Click Here
2010 2010-03 Dawson Stelfox Can Old Buildings Be Green Buildings Click Here
2010 2010-04 Eoin O'Herlihy Disability Awareness Training Click Here
2010 2010-05 Gerry Kinsella Disability Access Certificates Click Here
2010 2010-06 Maurice Johnson Fire Design and Euro Codes Click Here
2010 2010-07 Dave Carroll Building Control (Amendment) Regulations 2009 and The New Fire Safety Certificate Regime Click Here
2010 2010-08 Chris Hughes Building Energy Rating (BER) for Non Domestic Buildings Click Here
2010 2010-09 Stephanie Long Radon in Ireland Click Here
2009 2009-00 IBCI IBCI Conference Brochure 2009 Click Here
2009 2009-01 Sean Armstrong Acceptable Construction Details, Thermal Bridging and Air Permeability Click Here
2009 2009-02 Sean Armstrong Application of DEAP to Part L Click Here
2009 2009-03 Aidan Burke Bringing Sustainability into the Construction Industry Click Here
2009 2009-04 Owen Lewis Building Sustainable Developments Click Here
2009 2009-05 Chris O'Grady Developments in Building Control Legislation Click Here
2009 2009-06 Maurice Johnson Introduction to BS9999 2008 Click Here
2009 2009-07 Liam Smith Irish Concrete Federation Click Here
2009 2009-08 Noel Carroll Role of DoEHLG Inspectorate in Building Control Click Here
2009 2009-09 Bill Robinson Timber Frame Construction 1 Click Here
2009 2009-10 Bill Robinson Timber Frame Construction 2 Click Here
2008 2008-00 IBCI IBCI Conference Brochure 2008 Click Here
2008 2008-01 John Graby Building Control An Architects View Click Here
2008 2008-02 Conor Taaffe Building On Soft Ground Click Here
2008 2008-03a Michael McLoughlin DEAP Presentation Click Here
2008 2008-03b Michael McLoughlin DEAP Supplementary Notes Click Here
2008 2008-04 Martin Davidson Fire Engineering in Residential Buildings Click Here
2008 2008-05 Martin Ryan Making Building Control Work Click Here
2008 2008-06 Joe Boyle Pyrites the Building Control Experience Click Here
2008 2008-07 Neil Cooper Robust Details Click Here
2007 2007-00 IBCI IBCI Conference Brochure 2007 Click Here
2007 2007-01 Chris O'Grady Building Control Bill 2005 Click Here
2007 2007-02 Kevin O'Rourke DEAP for Building Regulations Compliance Click Here
2007 2007-03 Trevor Martin Engineers of Opportunity or Architects of Misfortune Click Here
2007 2007-04 Kevin O'Rourke EU Energy Performance of Buildings Directive Click Here
2007 2007-05 David Smith Recent Trends in Building Regulations in England and Wales and the work of the CEBC Click Here
2007 2007-06 Colin Barden Recent Trends in Fire Safety Design of Houses and Apartments Click Here
2007 2007-07 Sarah Neary Review of Part M Click Here
2006 2006-00 IBCI IBCI Conference Brochure 2006 Click Here
2006 2006-01 Michael McCarthy Building Control Bill 2005 Click Here
2006 2006-02 Fionnuala Rogerson Disability Access Certificates Part M Click Here
2006 2006-03 Gerry Wardell Part L Energy Management Certification - Rating of Buildings Click Here
2006 2006-04 John A McCarthy Provisions for Fire Safety Certificates Click Here
2006 2006-05 Kevin Sheridan Registration of Construction Professional Titles Click Here
2006 2006-06 Chris Dilworth Sound Insulation Testing in Dwellings Click Here
2006 2006-07 Sue Bush The Scottish Experience Click Here
2005 2005-00 IBCI IBCI Conference Brochure 2005 Click Here
2005 2005-01 Sean Hogan A Review of Fire Regulation Issues Click Here
2005 2005-02 Mary Van Lieshout Achieving Accessibility for People with Disabilities in Ireland Click Here
2005 2005-03 Philip O'Brien Building Control a Time of Change Click Here
2005 2005-04 Mogens Peter Sundbøll Building Control in Denmark Click Here
2005 2005-05 Nancy Callaghan Building Control Legislative and Regulatory Framework Click Here
2005 2005-06 Paula Rice Introduction to Energy Labelling of Buildings Click Here
2005 2005-07 Billy Moore New Developments in On-site Wastewater Mangement Click Here
2005 2005-08 Andrew Macilwraith Progressive Collapse Click Here
2004 2004-00 IBCI IBCI Conference Brochure 2004 Click Here
2003 2003-00 IBCI IBCI Conference Brochure 2003 Click Here
2003 2003-01 Olav Ø. Berge Building control in Norway and the Norwegian regulatory system Click Here
2003 2003-02 Chris Sanders Climate Change and the Built Environment Click Here
2003 2003-03 Conor Taafe Defects Associated with Ventilation Insulation Drainage Click Here
2003 2003-04 Jay Stuart Energy Performance Directive Click Here
2003 2003-05 KingSpan Insulation Click Here
2003 2003-06 Patrick Minogue Regulation for Energy Efficiency Part L (Dwellings) 2002 Click Here
2003 2003-07 Noel McKenna Technical Guidance Document F Ventilation 2002 Click Here

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